Ovarian Cancer (NCI PBSII Data) - submitted by kidzik 4815 views, 13611 downloads, 0 comments
last edited by kidzik - Sep 14, 2011, 14:35 CET Rating
- Summary: Ovarian cancer due to family or personal history of cancer
- Data Shape: 15155 attributes, 253 instances (Integer,Floating Point,String)
- License: unknown (from UCI repository)
- Tags: cancer genetic history ovarian
- Tasks / Methods / Challenges: 1 tasks, 0 methods, 0 challenges
- Download: HDF5 (30.1 MB) XML CSV ARFF LibSVM Matlab Octave
- Files are converted on demand and the process can take up to a minute. Please wait until download begins.
Ovarian Cancer (NCI Q-Star Data) - submitted by kidzik 19 views, 2177 downloads, 0 comments
last edited by kidzik - Sep 7, 2011, 12:21 CET Rating
- Summary: The goal of this experiment is to identify proteomic patterns in serum that distinguish ovarian cancer from non-cancer.
- License: unknown (from UCI repository)
- Tags: cancer Classification nci ovarian qstar
- Tasks / Methods / Challenges: 0 tasks, 0 methods, 0 challenges
- Download: arff (465.6 MB)
- Files are converted on demand and the process can take up to a minute. Please wait until download begins.
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This project is supported by PASCAL (Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning)