
Adding a new performance measure

If you'd like to add a new measure get mldata-utils open up mleval/evaluation.py in your editor and define a function, that gets two arguments, output and truth, write some nice short docuemntation e.g.:

def accuracy(out, lab):
     Computes Accuracy.
     Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
   return numpy.mean(numpy.sign(out) == lab)

and add a line to 'register' that measure to the pm dictionary. Here keys are human readable names values are tuples of

(functioname, application domain ('Classification', 'Regression', ...),
description), e.g.

pm['Accuracy'] = (accuracy, 'Classification', accuracy.__doc__)

Currently supported measures


  • Mean absolute error
  • Root mean square error

Binary Classification

  • "Area under Precision Recall Curve" Computes the area under the precision recall curve. Expects labels to be +/-1 and real-valued predictions
  • "Weighted Relative Accuracy" Computes Weighted Relative Accuracy. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "True Positive Rate" Computes True Positive Rate. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "Cross Correlation Coefficient" Computes the cross correlation coefficient. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "False Positive Rate" Computes False Positive Rate. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "Balanced Error" Computes the Balanced Error. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "True Negative Rate" Computes True Negative Rate. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "Area under ROC Curve" Computes the area under the ROC curve. Expects labels to be +/-1 and real-valued predictions
  • "Precision Recall Curve" Computes the precision recall curve. Expects labels to be +/-1 and real-valued predictions
  • "F1 Score" Computes the F1 score. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "Error" Computes Error Rate. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "ROC Curve" Computes the ROC curve. Expects labels to be +/-1 and real-valued predictions
  • "False Negative Rate" Computes False Negative Rate. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)
  • "Accuracy" Computes Accuracy. Expects labels to be +/-1 and predictions sign(output)

Multiclass Classification

Analogues exist for most of the binary classification measures above



This project is supported by PASCAL (Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning)