
  • Summary: GERMANA is the result of digitising and annotating a 764-page Spanish manuscript
    License: unknown
    Tags: Handwriting-Recognition Historical-Documents
    Tasks / Methods / Challenges: 0 tasks, 0 methods, 0 challenges
    Download: .tar.gz (1.1 GB)
    Files are converted on demand and the process can take up to a minute. Please wait until download begins.

  • Summary: RODRIGO is the result of digitising and annotating a 853-page bound volume, entitled "Historia de España del arçobispo Don Rodrigo, and completely written in old Castilian (Spanish) by a single author
    License: unknown
    Tags: Handwriting-Recognition Historical-Documents
    Tasks / Methods / Challenges: 0 tasks, 0 methods, 0 challenges
    Download: tar.gz (1.2 GB)
    Files are converted on demand and the process can take up to a minute. Please wait until download begins.


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Data | Task | Method | Challenge


This project is supported by PASCAL (Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning)